Wednesday 11 November 2015

QLIKVIEW online Training
sdfWednesday 11 November 2015 0 comments


QlikView is the most flexible Business Intelligence platform for turning data into knowledge. Effective decision-making is based on having the right information available and easy accessible. Taking just minutes to learn, the automatic associations of QlikView create endless possibilities for making ad hoc queries without requiring tediously defined structures and hierarchies, as is typical in other data analysis tools. QlikView promotes unrestricted analysis of application data, helping users make time-saving and accurate decisions. It brings a whole new level of analysis, insight, and value to existing data stores with user interfaces that are clean, simple, and straightforward.

→ Data warehouse Concepts:

  •  Basics of Data Warehousing.
  • What is OLTP and OLAP?
  • Difference between OLTP and OLAP.
  • Data warehouse Architecture
  • Data mart

→ DDimensional Modeling Concepts:

  •  Introduction to Dimensional Modeling.
  • Conceptual Data Modeling, Logical Data Modeling, Physical Data Modeling
  • Dimensional table
  • Fact table
  • Aggregate table
  • Star schema
  • Snowflake schema
  • Star schema Vs. Snowflake schema
  • Fact Vs. Dimension table
  • Fact Vs. Aggregate Table
  • Types of Facts
  • Types of Fact tables
  • Types of Dimensions
  • Level of Granularity
  • Grain of fact
  • Slowly Changing Dimensions( SCD )
  • Normalization
  • DE normalization

→ QlikView Introduction:

  •  What is QlikView?
  • Why QlikView is most effective than other BI Tools.
  • QlikView Architecture.
  • QlikView Components.
  • Qlikview Desktop Developer.
  • QlikView Server.
  • Qlikview Publisher.
  • QlikView Access Protocol.
  • How data flows in QlikView.
Data Loading in QlikView:

→ QlikView Data Sources.

  • Excel File.
  • oracle (ODBC and OLEDB).
  • Web File.
  • Qlikview File (QVW or QVD).
  • Inline Statement.
  • Residental Load.
  • Cross Table Load.

→ Scripting

  • Concatenate.
  • ADD.
  • Do.... Loop.
  • Comment Table and Comment Field.
  • Drop Table and Drop Field.
  • Join.
  • NoConcatenate.

→ Aggregation Functions.

  • Basic Aggregation Functions.
  • String Aggregation Function.
  • Counter Aggregation Functions.
  • Advanced Aggregation.
  • Statistical Aggregation Functions.
  • Financial Aggregation Functions.
  • Statistical Test Functions.

→ Modelling

  • Table Viewer.
  • Modeling Techinques and Best Practices.
  • Semantic Keys and Semantic Tables.

→ QVD File.

  • How to create a QVD File.
  • Reading data from QVD Files.

→ Incremental Load.

  • Insert.
  • Insert and Updates.
  • Incremental Load through a QVD File.
  • Preceeding Load.

→ Hierarchies

  • Drill Down group.
  • cyclic Group.

→ QlikView -Set Analysis and Alternate State.

→ Hierarchies

→ Transformations in QlikView.

→ UI Design(Reporting).

  • User Preferences.
  • Document Properties.
  • Sheet Properties.
  • Sheet Objects.
    • List Box.
    • Let.
    • Set.
    • Statistic Box.
    • Multi Box.
    • Table Box.
    • Chart.
    • Input Box.
    • Current Selections Box.
    • Buttons.
    • Text Object.
    • Line/Arrow Object.
    • Slide/Calendar Object.
    • Bookmark Object.
    • Custom Object.
    • System Table.

→ Miscillaneous Functions:

  • Detach.
  • Clone.
  • OBIEE as source for QlikView.
  • Customized Sort Order.

→ QlikView Server.

  • Overview.
  • Security.
  • Authentication.
  • Authorization.
  • Document Level Authorization.
  • Data Level Authorization.
  • Clustering.

→ QlikView Publisher.

  • Overview.
  • Detailed Technical View.
  • Detailed view of User Interface.
  • Recipients.

→ Other Feature we provide:

  • Real Time Scenarios
  • Resume preparation
  • Sample resumes
  • Interview & certification FAQS
  • How to face the interview
  • Class notes which is useful for who is trying for job
  • Project preparation.
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About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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